Prince of all angels
#FORMEDBYVIRTUES — An Indie & Private portrayal of Archangel Michael from Haborym Orihara's world.
written by Tsun (She/Her, 21+)

This section will not show up on the carrd itself, this is here for instruction purposes only. You can delete this section if you want. If you have an issue or need help that isn't covered in the tips below, you are welcome to contact me for help via my askbox @rcsea on tumblr.
Terms of Use
Edit as much as you like, but don't remove any credits present. They are the small © symbols. Leave them alone. You may change the color to match your custom palette for your carrd but do not make them invisible or hard to see.
Don't claim as your own work OR use this template as a base for a different template OR use it for any commissions, paid or not. If you use this template, I don't care how much you edit it, go wild, but the credit has to stay intact and you cannot claim it as your own.
Do not use to promote illegal, harmful, or hateful content. No burn books, no hate blogs, no callout blogs, nothing of the sort.
Image Sizing
The banner on the front page is most suited for images at a 3:1 or 2:1 ratio depending on personal preference. It should be at least 1000px wide for best results. (The one that comes with the template is 2000px wide.)
The tall image in the bio section is at a 9:16 ratio. It will also resize based on width. If you make the bio longer, you may want a taller image, or to add another column to the container so it does not outgrow the image too much and make the spacing look weird. The image here will work best with the current spacing if it is at least 450px wide or greater.
If you need help with image sizing, or re-sizing anything / fixing spacing, you're more than welcome to shoot me a message on my blog and I'll try to help when I can.
How to Add More NPCs
The NPCs on the connections page are divided into rows of three. There is a new container for every row to prevent uneven spacing. To add more, you need to duplicate the container as a new one instead of adding to the same one, keeping only to a row of three per container.
Make a copy of the image and description sections and move them into place. There should only be two things to copy per new NPC.
If a row has an empty space with no NPC, click on the container, select the column that is empty (left, middle, or right) and check the box that says "use as spacer". If you have two NPCs in a row instead of three and want them to center, delete the empty column and the other two will adjust automatically. If you need to re-add the column later when adding another NPC, just click "add column" and the sizes should also automatically adjust in that case as well.
Tsun. 25. she/her.
001 Do not expect any sort of DM roleplay from me. I much perfer to do any and all rp on TL. I save DMs for self bookmarking things or the occasional talk with writers that I know / have befriended. I'll most likely not reply if I do not know you. I have not had the best experiences with random people and DMs so if you need me then just @ me on TL. On that note, please tag me if you talk about me on TL. It is very easy to miss stuff if you only mention or vague tweet me. Sometimes I legitimately can't tell something is directed at me and accidentally ignore. So please save me the confusion and just @ me. 002 Detail is reciprocated. I can go from novella to one liners. Please just make sure that you give me something to work with. 003 Real life will always come before RP. So I am prone to going poof and disappearing. My work can be very demanding so there will be days that I just don't log on because I know that I can't write anything of substance.
004 Lewd will not be found on this account. This is due to me wanting to stick to the pure and holy nature of an angel. I'll be doing my best to personify that. 005 This account will contain mature themes. There is a list that can be found on content warnings. It is due to this that I wish to have only adult muses and writers. Minors do not follow or interact. 006 Do not flirt with me. I am in a happy relationship with the love of my life. I have no interest in anyone else and would prefer not to be made uncomfortable in that way.
007 Do not God-Mod. That means do not try to push personal headcanons that you may have onto this character. This iteration of the archangel is based on lore within New Ikebukuro. 008 Please avoid spamming me. As I have stated, my obligations offline can keep me busy 009 Remember you are NOT entitled to my character just because you like the FC I use. I reserve the right to interact, block, and drop threads with whoever dependent on my muse or if I feel like a boundary was crossed.
Bad mental health | will be mentioned in passing / in solos / or explicitly stated | appropriately and possibly threaded |
Self Harm | will be hinted at and rarely explicitly stated | appropriately and possibly threaded |
Blood | will appear in writing untagged, but visuals will be tagged if used | appropriately and possibly threaded |
Blashphemy | will appear in headcanons and threads freely | No tags |
Body Horror | will be explicitly stated when it happens. This will not be a common occurence. | appropriately and possibly threaded |
headcanon #1 | New Ikebukuro | Fandom |
headcanon #2 | New Ikebukuro | Fandom |
headcanon #3 | New Ikebukuro | Fandom |
headcanon #4 | New Ikebukuro | Fandom |
Haborym Orihara — @reformedbywrath
Heavily Integral to the story. Suci Orihara — @justavixbrat
will be mentioned in passing and possibly intereacted with FIRSTNAME LASTNAME — @blogurl
Exclusive with Musename

Decarabia — The catalyst for the birth of the Sin of Wrath. He was the sworn brother of Haborym. He was also one of the first casualties of the war. In order to protect his brother this angel took a fatal blow. It was his death that drove Haborym into a rage born madness.

Archangel Gabriel — If Michael is known as the right hand of God then Gabriel is the mouthpiece. While his devotion is not as rigid as Michael's, it does not pale in comparison. Whenever a human receives a vision the face that they are most likely to see is his. Most correspondences that Michael has with Heaven while out and about go through him as well. Aside from God there is no one who knows her best.

Archangel Uriel — The one who knows almost as much as Habroym when it comes to the deceit happening within Heaven. He is the holy records keeper so there is no secret that he does not know. Uriel just strikes what does not work with their vision from the scripture. He is not only driven by devotion though. He is a greedy being who yearns for power to feed his own ego. He looks down on Michael for being so willfully ignorant.
Archangel michael

Michael; a name that was well known throughout the Heavens and Earth. They are known as the prince, the protector of peace, and champion of justice. But these titles are what came after the rebellion.But before it all, they were simply known as Michael. The archangel that greeted all with a smile and listened to any problem no matter how small. They truly loved their kin like no other. Their purpose in life was to act in the name of their father and spread his teachings. In their eyes everything that they had. Everything that they were was in thanks to their creator's love and benevolence. To repay that kindness, his will would be done.That is why it was unthinkable that anyone would question him. When word that of nonbelievers in their midst reached Michael's ears, it was written off as hearsay. Oh how wrong the archangel was. If only those words had been taken serious.Perhaps the tragedy that followed would not have occurred. Perhaps she would not have such a heavy burden on her shoulders.
The rebellion came out of nowhere. The angels blinded by their blasphemy argued that they should be allowed to leave. Allowed to spread their heretic thoughts to others. Allowed to spread their doubts like a cancer upon all of creation. It was these actions that led to the order being given; ELIMINATE THEM ALL There were countless bodies littered about. The stench of death was in the air. It was their blood on Michael's hands. If they wanted to protect their way of life then they needed bury any personal feelings they had. There was a job to do. They had to fight and bring an end to this squabble as soon as possible.It was this line of thought that led to the death of Decarabia. The biggest mistake that Michael would never admit to. That death led to creation of the monster that would serve as their adversary for the centuries to come; Haborym. He would become the Sin of Wrath and fall with the rest. But even after being cast out...that lot continued to cause trouble for Heaven.His rage against Heaven would continue to grow and fester. Time and time again, they would butt heads and have conflict. It took time for Michael to notice, but there was another emotion mixed into the anger in their eyes. It took even more time for them to put a name to it; pity. The Sin felt pity for them. For the life that they chose and for what he perceived as a leash around their neck.Their conflict has finally reached it's crescendo. Father has finally grown tired of Haborym's antics and made one last ditch effort. He has laid a curse upon the Sin of Wrath. The Sin's life was tied to the archangel's. Should they die so would they and vice versa. Also any wound that either suffers so should the other. It made quite the predicament. Both sides were forced to a standstill. Who knows how this story shall end.
NAME Michael NICKNAME/ALIAS Chief Prince AGE ∞ DATE OF BIRTH January 1st GENDER & PRONOUNS genderless, any
HEIGHT 6’ 00” HAIR blonde EYES green SCARS none as no one has been able to harm her thus far FACE CLAIM(S)
Artoria Pendragon (Saber)
Artoria Pendragon (Lancer)
- If her compassion is earned then she is a great ally.
- She attempts to live up to the virtues that father speaks of. To be patient, to be kind, to love thy neighbor.
- She always tries to see the positive in any situation. NEGATIVE TRAITS
- Places father's word above all else
- Can be inflexible due to her beliefs.
- Tends to think literally when it comes to things
POWERS / ABILITIES - Divine Blessing — This is ability bestowed upon her alone. It acts as protection against all mundane attacks (blunt force, stabs, slashes, etc.) Any weapon that attempts to do such an attack will turn to ash.- Divine Aura — She embodies everything holy. Her mere presence causes most damned beings discomfort (and possibly pain).- Smite — An ability where she embeds holy energy into an object or body part.- Enhancement — This acts as a buff towards her physical abilities (speed, strength, sight, durability, etc).- Confessional — By meeting the eyes of another she can make them feel the weight of their sins. This means that each sin that they have committed will feel like a hand squeezing their heart metaphorically. The pain will be felt whether they have one or not. Most fall to their knees and beg for forgiveness. Prolonged exposure to the ability can cause death due to the body not being able to bear the strain.- Poison Resistance — Poisons and toxins have no effect on her.- Command — As the one entrusted with the protection of all of creation she is allowed to command them as well. She is not a fan of it, but as long as the being is one of God's creation (be it organic or not) she can command it to do anything. This will not work work on the damned or those that were a part of the original fall.- Flight — An easy enough feat with her wings. They are said to be so divine that it brings most to tears at the sight.- Teleportation — There is nowhere she isn't allowed to go via portal.
No lewd will be found on this account. I am attempting to showcase a genuine angel that does not engage in any sort of debauchery. That means any attempt at forcing lewd on this character will be met with a block. They have no curiosity about sex or anything of the like.
Blasphemy will be present on this account. While Michael is staunch in their beliefs currently at the beginning of their story, it is planned that they will start to eventually question them.
Shipping is unlikely to occur as this muse has little interest in romance as a whole. They are focused on their life's mission of being Heaven's protector and spreading the gospel.
Verse Name New Ikebukuro. — affiliated with @Orihara
The story of Haborym Orihara attempting to build a safe haven within Hell. This can only be achieved if he is able to drag Father off of his throne within Heaven. For as long as God lives, he will continue to send assassins and forces to try and kill him. This is due to Haborym's proactive and vocal nature when it comes to questioning God's authority. Verse Name Au.
TBA Verse Name Au.*
Verse Name AU.
TBA Verse Name AU. — affiliated with @blogurl
TBA Verse Name AU.